I love HotPockets, but they are dangerous disguised as delicious. If it’s not the calories and fat that kills you, it’s the molten hot lava that oozes from them. I swear that there has never been a time when I didn’t burn my mouth from eating a HotPocket. Just last week I made Mushroom Aparagus Tarts
with homemade puff pastry. I had some leftover pastry dough and decided to make my own HotPocket that wouldn’t attempt to kill me with magma.
I was also inspired by Portos Bakery to make these meaty, spicy pastries. Portos is this absolutely amazing Cuban bakery/cafe right down the street from my work. I’ve been trying to stay away, but it’s so difficult when everything they make is amazing! My favorite item on the menu are their Potato Balls. I know, from the entire bakery case you would think I chose something sweet, but these bites are packed with meaty goodness that tastes like a hearty cowboy stew. And being about 90 cents a pop, how can you say no? They make Meat Pies as well (pastel de carne on the label), that are 78 cents and worth every penny. If you don’t live near any of their three locations, try these homemade meat pies instead!