The hubs and I have been on a real shellfish kick as of late. I think it is because finally I convinced him to try a piece of lobster dripping with melted butter, and he hasn’t looked back. Ever since he had that mouth watering bite, he has been willing to try all shellfish. I am not complaining. I have always had a love for it.
I have always been intimidated when it comes to cooking shellfish. I have never cooked lobster or crab and I have always wanted to try cooking them, but it is such a finicky dish. At least for me anyway. I always feel that I will undercook or overcook shellfish and there is that fine line of being rubbery. And I am not a fan of that at all.
So I thought I would start out slow, and give shrimp a chance and see if I could make it at home, and feel like it tastes like it was cooked at a restaurant. I have tried making shrimp in the past, with less than desired results.
I wanted to try it again. I thought the first step is to find a good shrimp. I went to Whole Foods and asked the guy behind the fish counter what they use and what he suggested to buy. He steered me to some uncooked jumbo shrimp. He advised that if I bought the pre-cooked shrimp, I would be cooking it twice, and then it would be super rubbery. I didn’t even consider that, so I am glad I asked him.
This recipe is so easy, and literally can be on your table in 10-15 minutes. This is my favorite shrimp recipe, and crazy easy.